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Transportation Committee poised to issue Bill recommendations

Published on 2/22/2012

Transportation Committee poised to issue Bill recommendations

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) expects the Joint Committee on Transportation to publically make important announcements within the next 4 weeks.   MMA Officers contacted the Senate Clerk and confirmed that the Legislative Committees need to announce formal recommendations for Bills no later than March 21, 2012.

This deadline to the Committees leaves us less than four (4) weeks to make sure these Committee Members know we want the Right-of-Way Violations Bill (S.1797) passed, and that we want the Helmet Choice for Adult Riders Bill (S.1726) passed, and that we want the Motorcycle Safety Fund Bill (S.1458) passed so Legislators stop stealing our Safety Fund money.

This deadline to the Committees leaves us less than four (4) weeks to make sure these Committee Members know we want the age restrictive 16 years or older to ride as a passenger (H.1806) defeated, and that we want the age restrictive 5 years or older to ride as a passenger (H.947) defeated, and that we want the proposed motorcycle sound levels bill (H.952) defeated so that riders won’t face six (6) months license suspension, six (6) years of insurance surcharges, and a $250 fine.

We know you’ve been asked to do this already, but the next four (4) weeks is CRITICAL if we want movement of favorable Bills, or suppression of unfavorable Bills.   Now is the time to loudly demand the Transportation Committee Members hear our voices!  Please call them or mail/fax your letters to the committee members today!  Please also ask YOUR State Senator and Representative as well as your riding buddies, family, and friends to do the same!

Letters should be addressed using the following format and sent to the room number in parentheses:

Honorable Senator McGee                                           Honorable Representative Straus
Room 109C                                                                Room 134
State House                                                                State House
Boston, MA   02133                                                    Boston, MA   02133
(617) 722-1350                                                         (617) 722-2400
                                                                                  (617) 722-2387 - FAX

Committee Chairmen are Senator Thomas McGee (109C) and Representative William Straus (134).
Committee Vice Chairmen are Senator Jennifer Flanagan (410) and Representative Demetrius Atsalis (26).   Other Committee members are Senators Gale Candaras (309), Brian Joyce (109D), Robert Hedlund (313C), Michael Rush (519), Marc Pacheco (312B) and Representatives James Miceli (446), Denise Provost (473B), Marcos Devers (146), Michael Finn (134), Chris Walsh (39), Steven Howitt (237), Carl Sciortino (472), Timothy Madden (167), Mark Cusack (134), John Mahoney (155), and Peter Durant (33).

Complete Transportation Committee information can be found here:

Remember:  the March 21 deadline leaves us with less than four (4) weeks to get the message out.   There is nothing stopping Committee Chairs from making their recommendations before March 21, so the earlier, the better.

Questions?    Message or visit


Be sure to order your 2012 MMA Harley-Davidson Bike Raffle Tickets or purchase your 2012 Storm the State House Commemorative Shirt and Patch:

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