MMA Update: Motorcycle Representation on the Massachusetts Governors Highway Safety Committee Passes Senate
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) is pleased to announce that House Bill 3787 (H.3787), an Act to add Motorcycle representation onto the Governors Highway Safety Committee, has passed the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and has passed the Massachusetts Senate; this bill now sits with Governor Deval Patrick to be signed into law.
The 10-seat Governor's Highway Safety Committee has representation from various groups including the trucking, bus, taxi, bicycle, automobile, and other interests but does not include representation from motorcyclists. MMA-authored H.3787 was written to add an 11th seat to this committee designated for a representative from the motorcycling community to provide this added perspective.
Decisions are made every day that effect the Highways and Byways in the Commonwealth, and not all those decisions are friendly and/or safe to Motorcyclists. The MMA thanks our membership and the riders of Massachusetts for their efforts in contacting their legislators to get the Bill to this important point!
The MMA asks that all riders call or Fax the Governor's Office to help push this over the last hurdle while we will remain vigilant in watching its progress.
Massachusetts State House
Office of the Governor
Room 105
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617.725.4005
888.870.7770 (in state)
Fax: 617.727.9725
Formed in 1975, the MMA is the nationally-recognized State Motorcycle Rights Organization (SMRO) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and consists of an all-volunteer grassroots group of activists diligently working to protect and preserve the Right-to-Ride in Massachusetts.
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MMA 2014 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Raffle Tickets are on Sale and there is a strict limit of 2500 tickets being sold!