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MMA Call To Action: Joint Committee on Transportation - Public Hearings July 23, 2015

Published on 7/15/2015

MMA Call To Action: Joint Committee on Transportation - Public Hearings July 23, 2015 
July 15, 2015
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) is pleased to report that the Joint Committee on Transportation has scheduled Public Hearings on Thursday July 23 at 10AM in the State House Hearing Room A-2. The MMA needs your immediate support by attending the hearing and writing your legislators in support of the MMA's Legislative Agenda.
The list of bills scheduled to be heard include the MMA-Authored Right-of-Way Violations Bill 3056 (H.3056). Sponsored by Representative Keiko Orrall, this bill is co-Sponsored by Representatives Brad Jones, Brad Hill, F. Jay Barrows, Don Bertiaume, Shawn Dooley, Susan Williams Gifford, Randy Hunt, Steven Howitt, Todd Smola, Mathew Muratore, Tim Whelan, David Vieira, Colleen Garry, Sarah Peake, Paul McMurty, Carolyn Dykema, and James Miceli, as well as Senators Bruce Tarr and Richard Ross.
H.3056 seeks to strengthen penalties for vehicle operators who violate another person's right-of-way which often result in injury or death. The current $35.00 fine neither deters drivers today, nor are they often enforced due to the insignificant penalty. H.3056 also applies to all users of the roadway, including car and truck operators, bicyclists, pedestrians, and of course motorcyclists. H.3056 is a no cost to the Commonwealth public safety bill that can help save lives immediately.
Noting that only 27 Bills are currently listed for this hearing, the MMA believes this list will grow and may in fact, eventually include all seven (7) MMA Bills currently assigned to this Joint Committee, or perhaps bills the MMA opposes. You can find more about the MMA's Legislative Agenda on the MMA's Website,
Riders are encouraged to make arrangements to join MMA Officers at this Hearing to show the breadth of support this bill enjoys. We will publish a common meeting place prior to the hearing. Now is the time to plan on filling the room with leather-clad riders!
If you or someone you know have been a victim of a right-of-way violation, please consider preparing an Impact Statement to be presented to the Transportation Committee. We apologize for asking you to re-live your experience, but believe Transportation Committee Members need to hear from victims of these violations.
Whether you are able to join us or not, all riders are asked to write a letter explaining your support for H.3056, while also asking for the support of your State Senator and State Representative. A written letter is the most strongly valued by those in office and can be mailed or faxed. In your letter, please ask them to contact the Transportation Committee Joint Chairs, Senator Thomas McGee and Representative William Straus:
Senator Thomas McGee
State House, Room 109C
Boston, MA 02133
Representative William Straus
State House, Room 134
Boston, MA 02133
Copies of your letter can also be sent to the entire Joint Committee on Transportation, and to
If you do not know who your Legislators are, click on FindMyLegislator to find your State Senator and State Representative. If you need help with finding your legislators or writing your letter, please e-mail for assistance.

This is our BEST opportunity to tell our Legislators that H.3056 is important to us and deserves their support.
Visit for additional information or send questions and comments to

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