MMA CALL-TO-ACTION: Right-of-Way Violations Bill
The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is calling for motorcyclists to contact the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Transportation and request that the MMA’s Right-of-Way (RoW) Violations Bill (House Bill Number 3056), be released with a “Favorable, Ought-to-Pass” recommendation.
Filed at the start of the Legislative Session in January 2015, H.3056 was heard during Public Hearings on July 23, 2015, yet still hasn’t received any formal recommendation from this committee. The Bill seeks to strengthen the pains and penalties towards motorists who violate another motorist’s right-of-way. Though not strictly a motorcycle bill, this bill does affect motorcyclists directly.
All too often, if a motorist violates your right-of-way as a motorcyclist, they may walk away with only a $35.00 citation, while the motorcyclist may receive a life sentence in the graveyard.
In the six months prior to these hearings, the MMA notes that there were at least 10 definite motorcycle accidents being reported as RoW violations, with 2 rider fatalities. Since the July 2015 hearings, an additional 15 motorcycle accidents have been reported as RoW violations, including an additional 3 rider fatalities. These statistics were collected by a dedicated team of MMA volunteers who scrutinize news reports, police department accident reports, and incident report web sites; as such, the actual numbers may not even be complete.
Please help H.3056 move forward by calling or writing the Transportation Committee Chairmen, to formally request H.3056 receive the “Favorable, Ought-to-Pass” recommendation:
Senate Chairman Thomas McGee
State House
Room 109C
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 722-1350
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