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MMA Update - Your MMA's Annual Meeting

Published on 10/26/2016
MMA Update - Your MMA's Annual Meeting

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association would like to thank all our members and guests who attended our annual Meeting on Saturday, October 15th in Marlboro. It was a lively meeting full of discussion with an eye toward the future.

The annual meeting was followed by our biennial Legislative Session at which we discussed our Legislative Agenda for your MMA in the 2017-2018 Massachusetts General Court. Numerous guests attended bringing new insight to your MMA’s Legislative Agenda and feedback from the perspective of younger riders. We will be publishing more on the agenda as we make progress on writing or re-writing the various Bills in time for the upcoming General Court.

During the annual meeting, we held our annual elections. Many of the Board seats are on a rotating 3-year basis, meaning that 1/3 of the seats are open for election each year, unless vacant.

Nominated and re-elected for an additional 3-year term as Business Manager was Doc D'Errico. This will be Doc’s second term as your MMA’s Business Manager, having previously served as Safety & Education Director and also as Legislative Director. Doc will also continue to serve as your Vice-Chairman of the Board, an elected position that runs concurrently with his elected Board seat. Additionally, Doc was re-elected as the Massachusetts State Representative to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, the national Motorcycle Rights Organization based in Washington, DC – a position he’s held for the past 5 years.

Nominated and re-elected as Member Services Director was Kevin Raiche. Kevin has been our Member Services Director for 2 terms as well, having been a staunch supporter in District 1 and fixture at our MMA Bike shows and Raffle Bike events.

Elected as District 2 Manager is Vasco Nunez, filling the vacancy left last year. Vasco has served 2 terms as District Representative for South-Eastern Massachusetts, elected by that District’s membership and has done a fantastic job rebuilding the District’s operations.

Elected as District 3 Manager is Rachael Ingham. Rachael is extremely passionate about the MMA’s core mission of Safety, Education, and Legislation and has been working closely with our District 4 officers for some time. She is looking forward to revitalizing what was once a strong District in Worcester County.

Elected as District 4 Manager is Rocco Libertine. Rocco has been doing an outstanding job as District 4 Representative for the past year and has the passion, commitment, and drive to support your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association in the Western counties of the Commonwealth.

Districts 1, 2, and 4 all held annual meetings during the month of October as well. District 3’s new Manager will be holding one in the not-too-distant future, stay tuned for announcements concerning date and location. District officers are elected to one-year terms by the membership in those Districts.

District 1 reelected Ron Baldwin as District 1 Representative. This is Ron’s second term as District Representative and he looks forward to continuing to serve the riders of North-Eastern Massachusetts. A new Middlesex County Representative was also elected, Lee Foresman, Jr. from Reading MA. Lee is an active rider who’s been to numerous MMA events over the years and is anxious to bring new energy to Middlesex County.

Districts 2 and 4 did not elect new District Representatives to replace their newly elevated Board Members. If you live in one of those districts, or District 3, and are interested in serving as a District or County Representative, please contact either Dave Condon, Chairman, or the respective District Manager.

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association congratulates each of the newly elected or re-elected Board Members and thanks them for their commitment to the riders of the Commonwealth.

For more information, see

©2016 Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
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