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MMA Announces 2018 Massachusetts Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period & Challenge

Published on 3/26/2018
MMA Announces 2018 Massachusetts Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association is pleased to announce the 17th consecutive Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period in Massachusetts - and a corresponding challenge!

This annual event has represented Motorcyclists across the Commonwealth in a coordinated effort between the MMA, the Massachusetts Office of the Governor, the MA Highway Safety Division, the MA Legislature, MassDOT, the MA RMV and the MA Rider Education Program to declare the month of April as “Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Period".

In a Proclamation presented to the MMA in the Governor's Office, signed by Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, this year’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period runs from Monday, March 26th to Monday, April 30th, 2018.

2018 Motorcycle Safety Awareness Proclamation
2018 Massachusetts
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period Proclamation

With the recent flurry (pun intended) of Nor'Easters, it’s still cold outside - car and truck drivers are keeping their windows up, and their eyes out for sanders and plows, not the motorcycles already hitting the roads on warmer days. Complicating matters, riders haven’t yet shaken off the winter cobwebs from their riding skills and aren’t prepared for roads scarred by winter plows and sanders, much less the traffic that isn’t yet looking for them!

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association established an annual Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period in conjunction with the Commonwealth to assure that this crucial period as spring flowers start to bloom and motorcyclists hit the roads would be as smooth of a transition as possible. 17 years ago, MMA Members lobbied our Legislature to implement this crucial period at a time when motorcyclists would be once again leaving their winter cocoons for sunny roads.

Overall Motorcycle Fatalities have decreased by approximately 30% since 2002, during a period in which motorcycle Registrations increased by roughly the same rate. The MMA believes the annual Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period is a significant contributor to this since it reminds all motorists to share the road at the most critical point in the riding season.

In support of the Motorcycle Safety Awareness Period, the MMA is promoting the period through various media outlets including RMV offices and highway signs. Additionally, lawn signs and bumper stickers with the “LOOK! For Motorcycles” slogan are available to riders at no charge from your MMA District Officers and at most MMA events.

Lawn Signs in Dennis, MA

The MMA 2018 "LOOK!" Challenge:
Anyone with a Massachusetts Motorcycle Association "LOOK! For Motorcycles" Lawn Sign or Banner is requested to submit a photo of their lawn sign in any interesting location or placement. Simply take a photo of your Lawn Sign or Banner demonstrating a creative and visible outdoor placement and email the photo to

Your photo will be published on and on Facebook. The person with the most creative and effective use of the "LOOK! For Motorcycles" materials will win 5 MMA 2018 Harley-Davidson Raffle Tickets, valued at $100, with the option to win a Motorcycle worth over $20,000 or a cash prize!

Note: Submission of your photo waives all copyrights and restrictions to the use of the photo. Photos become the property of your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association and may be published and/or used in promotional materials.

MMA Members are also eligible for discounts at MMA Gold Card Sponsor training schools including Training Wheels, Inc., and Massachusetts Motorcycle School. The programs available through the Massachusetts Rider Education Program are a great way to hone your riding skills and shake off the cobwebs in a safe environment.

And while we prefer you remain upright, in the unfortunate event that an accident does occur, your MMA has worked with the offices of Haymond Law Firm to assure that you are protected in the event of accident or injury, and with RiderRescue, for roadside assistance in the event of break-down.

Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Association asks all roadway users to SHARE THE ROAD and to LOOK! for Motorcycles!

For More Information, see or contact
